Great! Get the most from your Platinum Membership

Start making a difference in the world being the leader that you are!

So many of our members wished that they had taken the live Certified Leadership Coach course right away, so we created this special option for you!

Option 1

Purchase only the Healthy Wealthy and Wise® Platinum membership.

Choose this option to receive all of the Platinum program benefits, including Levels 1 to 4 coach certification. Level 5 certification is not included.

Option 2

Include the live Level 5 Certified LEADERSHIP Coach course with your Healthy Wealthy and Wise® Platinum membership.

You save $1279 by being a Platinum member!
The Level 5 Course is only $500. Add this to your Platinum membership now.

And there's more...

With OPTION 2, not only will you benefit from the additional training provided in the Level 5 Certified Leadership Coach Training, but you'll also receive a 12-month subscription to Leadership Wealth TV, a comprehensive ongoing leadership development program.

Purchase your best choice!

Great! Get the most from your Platinum Membership

Start making a difference in the world being the leader that you are!

So many of our members wished that they had taken the live Certified Leadership Coach course right away, so we created this special option for you!

Option 1

Purchase only the Healthy Wealthy and Wise® Platinum membership.

Choose this option to receive all of the Platinum program benefits, including Levels 1 to 4 coach certification. Level 5 certification is not included.

Option 2

Include the live Level 5 Certified LEADERSHIP Coach course with your Healthy Wealthy and Wise® Platinum membership.

You save $1279 by being a Platinum member!
The Level 5 Course is only $500. Add this to your Platinum membership now.

And there's more...

With OPTION 2, not only will you benefit from the additional training provided in the Level 5 Certified Leadership Coach Training, but you'll also receive a 12-month subscription to Leadership Wealth TV, a comprehensive ongoing leadership development program.

Purchase your best choice!