Derrick Sweet, Founder & Author
Derrick Sweet is the Chairman and Founder of the Healthy Wealthy and Wise® Corporation. A life-long student of personal growth and development, Derrick Sweet is the author of three highly celebrated books and a contributing author to others.
Prior to starting the Healthy Wealthy and Wise® Corporation, Derrick was a Senior Investment Advisor and Vice-President of one of the largest bank-owned investment firms in Canada. He brings this life and business experience to his role as investment analyst within the Healthy Wealthy and Wise Coaching Programs.
Remember, you're only here on a three-day pass. Be happy. Make a difference. Become the person you expected to become when you were seven years old.
- Derrick Sweet
Uplifting positive advice... pay attention and grow. - Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
This is an excellent book for anyone seeking a life of greater joy, fulfillment and abundance. I highly recommend it.
- Robin Sharma, bestselling author
Derrick Sweet weaves the wsidom of the ages with his own unique vision to show us how we can all find Heaven right here on Earth. His stories are thoughtful and inspiring; this is a wonderful book!
- Lisa Marie Coffey Ph.D., author: What's Your Dosha, Baby?